Friday, July 4, 2014

feet of the week


happy 4th of july!! special edition of feet of the week

over the top

red white and blue

red toes <3

blue cast, red toes

red dslc

last but not least

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

4 is more

a cast for every limb - some of my fav quad cast combos

hard to roll over

llc,slc, 2x lac

2x llc, 2x lac

2x lac, 2xllc + neck brace

2x slc, 2x sac - love the thumb and big toe spicas!!

x slc, 2x sac

2x llc, 2x lac - love the finger, thumb spicas and the toe plates <3

<3<3<3 2x lac, 2x slc

lac, sac, 2x slc (all soft casts) and some bandages and a neck brace for good measure

2xllc, sac, lac (all soft casts)

toe protector casts

these are special casts - never seen anything just like them - slcs but with special strips protecting the big toes - not a full spica. thanks to sharky cast for the 2nd picture!! i love how you can see the sides of her toes instead of the tip - and all those signatures <3 - i wonder what happened to her?

i wonder if that's what gave sl44n3sh the idea to put excilion's kathy in a pair:

dancer feet 101

for those who haven't ever suffered thru dance for any length of time, it is hard to understand the lengths dancers go to continue dancing despite what it does to our bodies. heres to all those who stuck it out longer than me!! and some pix of what it takes

knob knob
what you see and what you don't
dancer feets
not just ballet, even jazz or tap
sometimes to the point of casts
taped toes
protected toes
<3 dance undies - these ones have bling!!
misery loves company
broken toes