Illustration By Lily
Chapter 1
Kira Mitchell nodded to herself, quite pleased. She walked confidently out of the small shop, a tiny converted house nestled between two larger buildings. She smiled, hands moving to her chest, cupping her breasts in her palms. She had done it. Finally done it. Her friend Beth walked beside her, glancing over with a knowing grin on her face, having been the one that had been talking her into this particular course of action for the last several weeks. "Hurt?", Beth asked. Kira groaned a bit, still holding her breasts and nodded, "A bit sore." She had just gotten her nipples pierced. While it was something she had wanted to do for a long time now, it had taken her best friend's insistance to get her to go through with it.
Kira was glad too. She had a date tonight, with a new girl she had met at the college she attended. In the library, no less. While studying for a psychology exam. While she was dreading the test, she was excited at the possibility that she had maybe finally met a girl that was a change from the usual losers she picked up. She knew her body wasnt perfect, but she was proud of it. Her legs were long and well toned, as was her stomach, firm and with extremely tight abs from her time on the varsity track team the previous year. Her breasts were small, but firm and well formed, and had always gotten compliments from men and women alike. Running a hand through her seafoam-blue hair, a dye job she was personally most proud of, she thought back on her day so far. She had gotten up that morning with the thoughts of her coming date already in her mind, taken a long, hot relaxing shower, and spent almost an hour masturbating to thoughts of Lily, the girl from the library. Gods, she was hot. After getting herself off to her own skilled fingers several times, she had taken the time she shave her pubic region completely smooth, leaving her bare and silken, just in case things escalated as she hoped they would.
As the two friends walked, they didnt notice the group of men standing in the darkened alleyway until they stepped out in front of them, blocking their path to their car. She was vaguely aware of Beth being knocked to the ground by the largest of the men, the others moving in a blur as they surrounded Kira, fists, feet and what felt like an aluminum baseball bat smashing into her athletic body. She attempted to scream, to beg them to stop, only to feel the bat smack into her thigh, the horrifying sound of an explosion bursting forth from her body, the stabbing pain as she dropped to her hands and knees. She knew her leg was shattered, and it was that thought that caused her world to go dark.
Chapter 2
Kira awoke with a frightened start to a blaringly bright room, her head ringing and her vision blurred. Hearing the faint beeping of machines all around her, her logical mind quickly grasped that she was in a hospital. The attack she had dreamed hadnt been a dream at all. Standing over her was a doctor, an older man with whitened hair and a soothingly friendly smile. Around her moved a nurse, doing various things she couldnt see. Trying to move her head, she found sharp pains shooting up her neck, gasping in agony and clenching her eyes shut. It was then that she realized she could only see from one, her other blocked by something on her face. Panicked now, Kira attempted to sit, only to be held down by an invisible force, a seemingly impossbly large weight pinning her down. Looking to the doctor, her pained gaze held all the questions she wanted to ask, her thin lips trembling fearfully. The doctor sighed and stepped closer. "I'm Doctor Marcus, Miss Mitchell... you're in Mercy General Hospital. You and your friend were attacked by a group of men... you sustained severe injuries." Kira's eye began to mist, a tear trickling down her cheek as she listened, remembering what had occurred. "They robbed you, and beat you both severely with baseball bats. I'm sorry, Miss Mitchel, but your injuries were severe enough that we had to rush you into surgery almost immediately. You've broken your right knee in six places, a full burst fracture, forcing us to replace the joint and place you in a brace." He pointed to the foot of the bed, and Kira glanced down to see her leg hanging suspended in traction, a series of wires and straps holding her leg in the air, a large brace encasing it from the ankle to her thigh, holding it rigid and straight. Her little exposed foot looked painfully small compared to it, her pink painted toenails sticking out, silver toe ring still on her middle toe. "You're other leg, I'm afraid, was worse... several severe impacts caused your femur to shattered, damaging the muscle as well. I'm sorry but we were forced to amputate your leg." Kira gasped, looking for her other leg, but seeing nothing. The nurse, trying to be helpful, pulled away the thin sheet covering her body, exposing her to her full view. Her little once athletic and toned body lay completely nude, save for the brace on her right leg, her left ending in a short stump just above her knee. Her nude form was covered in many bloodied bandages, and she saw now that the nurse was in fact changing them. "We also had to amputate your right arm for similar reasons, and we've placed your left in a cast, which it will need for several months, as nearly every bone in your arm and hand was crushed by several repeated blows." He seemed almost too clinical, as if he were reading a script, and looking at her body now, her casted arm resting just below her breasts across her tummy, Kira began to cry uncontrollably, heavy sobs wracking her ruined body. "Your neck was injured also, a fracture of the C2 vertebra... You might realize you cannot move or sit up... I'm sorry to say, Miss Mitchell, but due to the extent of this injury, you'll never walk again... or feel or move any part of your body from your chin down..."
Kira gasps, her sobs coming louder as she realized the doctor was right. Looking down at her body she tried her hardest to move, to will herself to sit, but found it impossible. Glancing at her little toes, she saw them twitch a bit, though more of a spasm, and sadly realized that this was the only movement she would ever make for the rest of her life.
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Read Beth's Story
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